Monday, July 21, 2014

Take My Hand ...... and then more

Marshall Hall  -  Angela Primm  -  Jason Crabb (2011)
You gotta love this back and forth

Did someone say ............. HARMONY.....

It don't get any better than this. The old Tent Revival produced some really good stuff. I just found this one recently, and it is awesome.

There should be a law of some kind that keeps great singing groups from breaking up.

Poor Bill, "Hey, all I have to do is replace Michael English and Mark Lowry, their voices and their personalities."

It is NOT possible to put together five voices, that can accomplish some of the GREATS ... that this group did. I liked Guy Penrod, Russ Taff was good, Marh Hall and the others ..... but, David, Michael, Mark, Wes and Bill, will NEVER be duplicated.

Another HOME RUN for David ..... At The Cross

Another "favorite" of mine, emerged. I like the emotion in this one. Mark, Michael, Wes and Bill, know what it coming. Wes especially, by the expression on his face .... sees it coming .... Michael, with a clenched fist gesture .... sees it coming ...... Mark, who was very instrumental in getting Bill and David together, knows what is coming ..... another standing ovation, home run.

I don't know of anyone who can generate the excitement, singing, that David is able to do.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

He's done well, but I dearly love the music .....

As you can see, I am not promoting the Gaither Website, just songs, gospel music and more. They can get their own hits. Their website is now a plethora of market items, from their store and restaurant to cruises, gatherings and items for sale. He is a genius at marketing. Think about it, you write songs, then have your people sing YOUR songs at your concerts, and, sell your albums, before, at intermission and after the performances.

In some respects, their was an army of talented entertainers who  had been performing primarily at churches, successfully, but the "bar" was set at 3. And, they were getting old, with little to nothing to do.

Then, this guy comes along with an idea. "Hey, let's all get together and sing." The timing, there was a mass of people, getting old, who remembered them, their music brought back pleasant memories, it was a natural. Then, they made more appearances, made and sold records of the appearances, the singers made albums, on his label, and it grew and grew and grew. Everyone loved them, they all made money, and we have heard some of the best music, performed by some of the greatest artists, many of whom are gone.

Bill Gaither was the genius who brought all of this together. He was the right person at the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time, and, he loved the music, and the people, that he worked with.

I imagine he still works on his farm in Indiana, graciously meets many fans, thinks often, of those who have passed, is a good, christian man, and, is to be thanked, by us all, for what he has done, and has preserved. Otherwise, much of it might have been forgotten .....

Friday, July 18, 2014

Anthony Burger

A horrific waste of talent .... his passing at such a young age. at the prime of his life, I am not sure, but he either collapsed during or right after .... playing the piano, doing something he loved.

I don't know how you judge the quality of a piano player, I'm sure a piano player would know. Anthony got as much out of a piano as anyone I have heard. And, he had the talent to play any style, by an pianist.

Many people only hear the vocals, I listen for the accompaniment also, and no one did it any better, than Anthony. It was late at night, not sure what station was on the radio, midnight or so, probably more like one or two, late news, mentioned his passing. I sat straight up in bed, and  could not go back to sleep the rest of the night. I was no great fan of his, I probably was a fan of his talent and what he had overcome to get to the point where he was  in the music business. I think Baldwin named a piano after him, he had received all sorts of recognition, awards and acclaim. I shed some tears that morning, at the loss of such a great talent, and so young.

Read his bio and more on his early life to see what he overcame, and how he did it. He was truly, a miracle.


The Indianapolis 500

What does this have to do with, anything?

Jim Nabors retired, he will no longer sing "Back Home Again in Indiana." So, who to get?

Someone that has something to do with Indiana.

Someone who can really sing.


David Phelps .... NO ONE could do it any better. He has many years ahead of him. He has Indiana ties, he is personable and would be a good "representative" for the 500.

Send them a letter, call, or an EMail .... let's get David starting a tradition. Can you think of anyone who could do a better job ................ I thought not.

EMail ... I prefer you look it up yourself ... it is a great way for spammers to get in ..

I wonder?

I wonder whit it might be like, singing in a group, with David Phelps.

To me, he has the finest voice I have ever heard. Both range and quality, and warmth. I think it might be like playing basketball with Michael Jordan. Some have commented that when they were in a game, they became "spectators" and just watched him play. They were playing with the best.

When singing with David, they are singing with the best. When David is singing, I look at the "reactions" of those behind him. Russ Taff is a great example. Russ has won many awards for his singing, and is a great singer in his own right. He sang with the GVB. He would become quite animated when David hit some of those high notes, not just David, but others, he appreciated brilliant performances.

In this performance, "Let Freedom Ring" ..... one of David's early "home runs," Russ really shows his appreciation for a brilliant voice. This one was shortly after 9/11, very emotional anyway. Guy Penrod puts the "whip cream" on .......... then David puts the "cherry" and top and brings all to their feet. The group even did this song at the White House. When David left the group for a while, they never sang it, it was strictly David's song and no one could duplicate his effort.

He hits another one on "At The Cross" which I highlighted in an earlier post. In that one, watch the anticipation by Wes, Mark and Michael ..... they know what is coming, and they become very animated. I have heard Michael English refer to David .............. as ............... "The Voice" ......... nice compliment.

I played basketball with Michael Jordan, golfed with Arnold Palmer, played baseball with Derek Jeter, tennis with Roger Federer, played football with Dan Marino, and sang with .... David Phelps.

Not sure .... but possible ..

I had an Aunt, Eva Shannon, who lived in Marion, Indiana. She was an outstanding pianist and taught piano, all of her life. She used the Sherwood method, and taught many students. She performed some important recitals, and received a "Masters" signification from the Sherwood School.

Marion had an annual Easter Pageant, and she was the pianist for that.

I remember her talking of the Gaithers, not sure in what capacity. I do not know of her involvement with them but I know she had quite a collection of the records, and accompanied many groups in her area, and was heavily involved with the Anderson College, I think where Bill went to school. I think she had one or two that were autographed to her .......................

Eva has been gone for many years, so, will never know.

She was a "master" of the keyboard. "Rush Hour in Hong Kong" was one that we always requested her to play. This is no her on the keyboard, but she played in equally as well ....... Eva Leah Shannon

Thursday, July 17, 2014


This is JD.

JD had a low, low, low voice, and was a favorite of Elvis Presley, JD was one of his backup singers.

If you check out the photograph, on his left hand, is a ring, not just a ring, Elvis Presley's ring, that he gave to JD.

I think that everyone loved JD.

He had a drinking problem, a bad one. Elvis had a strict policy about his people drinking.

JD admitted he drank heavily while singing with Elvis, and Elvis let him get away with it. JD joked ... "I told him that was why I could sing so low" He  gave his drinking up .................


I would like to know the history surrounding this one.
I think it was possibly impronptu
And Became an INSTANT HIT.
Michael says something to David that is greeted with a big laugh
After the first stanza .... much applause .... Mark is surprised

Check out the reaction of Larry Gatlin, of the Gatlin Brothers
He is sitting in the front row ... also chimes in at the end.
Wes Hampton sits out the first verse and then jumps in on the second.
The ORGAN makes this song.
For you who do not know ... the organist is blind.

ONE of my Favorites ... David hits a home run here ..

I love the reaction of the other singers, and the audience ..................

If this does not move you, call your physician ........................

Some of my Gospel background ....

Simple, the last one I heard. Let's face it, David Phelps .... hits home runs. All of the others, have hit home runs ..... I don't think that any have traveled quite as far as his ... David is over the fence and out of the park.
Let me make this point. There is no one, now, or ever has been, like George Younce. He is more than a singer, he is an entertainer, a vocalist, a man, and more. George is ........ The Cathedrals. George held you in the palm of his hand, from the time he walked out, till he was done .... captivating is a good word for George Younce.

He had a "partner in crime" .... the "second banana" ... so to speak, Glenn Payne. A gorgeous positive voice, very emotional in his singing, he had the ability to "stir" an audience.

My Gospel Music days go back, way back, the late 30's, early 40's to a family friend, Oscar Higgins, a Pattern Maker and a Preacher. He helped my Dad build his boat. All the "brasswear" was hand made by Oscar and my Dad.

Oscar had a friend, Otto Lunxsford, not sure of the spelling, an evangelist, singer and pianist. I have never seen him preach. He has visited with us in our home at 319 South Brown Street, in Dayton, Ohio. A beautiful, turn of the century, very ornate, home and office, my Dad was a doctor. My Mom loved music, played the piano and the organ, had both. A beautiful, Baby Grand, Baldwin piano, in a music room, in that house.

Oscar and Otto would stop by for a visit, talking, followed by Otto seating himself at that piano. Otto was a big, white haired man. He would play some of Mom's favorites, I Come to the Garden Alone, The Old Rugged Cross ..... then he would lean back, rub his hands a bit, and kick out with .... Sing and Be Happy ... about the third verse, the big Big Baldwin would be bouncing up and down on the floor ..... that was the first Gospel music I remember.

The GVB and David have rekindled a spark ... A few years ago we went to Columbus, Ohio and the them perform .... been hooked since then ..............

Welcome to my GVB Blog

I am a fan of the Gaither Vocal Band, and have been for many years. I was brought up on religious music, at home and at church. The Old Rugged Cross and I have been together for many years.  It was our car music, and some other songs my Mom liked. Moonlight Bay, many 1st World War songs, she knew, she lived it. My Dad was in WWI, 32nd Rainbow Division. I have his "Barracks" hat here with me know.

I was born in 1932, so I have seen much music come and go. All the good stuff from the 30's and 40's. I spent much of the 50's in the service, Navy, and living in Nevada. Johnny Mathis, Tommy Edwards, Ray Charles .... also like John Cash and some of the music genre of that day.

I like to hear music, melody, some occasional dirty ... ba, ba, ba, a la the man, George Jones.

Nothing brings me to tears, like David Phelps. When he hits those HIGH, EXTENDED notes, I am either on my feet, or with arms raised in the air. No one has moved me, like he, and the GVB has done.

Thus this site, to bring YOU their message.

I am not sure yet how it all will be presented, but you have to start somewhere, and this is it .............