Friday, August 8, 2014

Singing with David

I have given some thought to "Singing With David." I remember years ago I asked Russ Taff what it was like singing with David, someone interrupted and I never got an answer. When Russ was with the GVB he often could not hide his emotions when David "did his thing." Russ was very animated, let his emotions out.

All this fine material out with David, Wes, Michael, Mark and Bill, in my opinion the finest gospel music, ever. There have been many fine groups, fine quartets. The Cathedrals, and many groups had individual personalities, Vestal, JD, and some of the others were ICONS and generated their own charisma, their own personalities, and that came across when they sang.

This GVB, I think, took it all to a new level. Personality, charisma, talent, harmony, and genuine respect for the talent that each possessed. David, a voice, second to none, a real gift, how was it to sing, with him.

I figured it out. Like a baseball team or most athletic teams, the main word here, team. When Babe Ruth stepped up to the  plate, all eyes were on him, the crowd, the opposing team, and his own team. Everyone wanted to see the Babe, hit a home run. No jealousy, just respect, and I think that is how they look upon David .... a home run hitter.

In At The Cross, when David heads out to those "heights" .... there is anticipation, Wes, Mark and Michael are poised, ready for what is coming, David is going to ............. hit a home run. When he does, Wes is applauding, Michael, shaking his fist, David, a broad grin ... Bill, proud, very proud.

They were, I say were, they are, no longer. I am sure they are still good, different, but good. Bill had a tough time replacing that group .... when you lose a Michael English and a Mark Lowery, each a star in his own right, you cannot replace them, you have to start over, new group, new energy ..... they will find their own identity, but ....... there will never be another group ..... like the last one .... of the GVB.

Watch the expressions as David gets ready to hit it out of the park ......

Monday, July 21, 2014

Take My Hand ...... and then more

Marshall Hall  -  Angela Primm  -  Jason Crabb (2011)
You gotta love this back and forth

Did someone say ............. HARMONY.....

It don't get any better than this. The old Tent Revival produced some really good stuff. I just found this one recently, and it is awesome.

There should be a law of some kind that keeps great singing groups from breaking up.

Poor Bill, "Hey, all I have to do is replace Michael English and Mark Lowry, their voices and their personalities."

It is NOT possible to put together five voices, that can accomplish some of the GREATS ... that this group did. I liked Guy Penrod, Russ Taff was good, Marh Hall and the others ..... but, David, Michael, Mark, Wes and Bill, will NEVER be duplicated.

Another HOME RUN for David ..... At The Cross

Another "favorite" of mine, emerged. I like the emotion in this one. Mark, Michael, Wes and Bill, know what it coming. Wes especially, by the expression on his face .... sees it coming .... Michael, with a clenched fist gesture .... sees it coming ...... Mark, who was very instrumental in getting Bill and David together, knows what is coming ..... another standing ovation, home run.

I don't know of anyone who can generate the excitement, singing, that David is able to do.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

He's done well, but I dearly love the music .....

As you can see, I am not promoting the Gaither Website, just songs, gospel music and more. They can get their own hits. Their website is now a plethora of market items, from their store and restaurant to cruises, gatherings and items for sale. He is a genius at marketing. Think about it, you write songs, then have your people sing YOUR songs at your concerts, and, sell your albums, before, at intermission and after the performances.

In some respects, their was an army of talented entertainers who  had been performing primarily at churches, successfully, but the "bar" was set at 3. And, they were getting old, with little to nothing to do.

Then, this guy comes along with an idea. "Hey, let's all get together and sing." The timing, there was a mass of people, getting old, who remembered them, their music brought back pleasant memories, it was a natural. Then, they made more appearances, made and sold records of the appearances, the singers made albums, on his label, and it grew and grew and grew. Everyone loved them, they all made money, and we have heard some of the best music, performed by some of the greatest artists, many of whom are gone.

Bill Gaither was the genius who brought all of this together. He was the right person at the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time, and, he loved the music, and the people, that he worked with.

I imagine he still works on his farm in Indiana, graciously meets many fans, thinks often, of those who have passed, is a good, christian man, and, is to be thanked, by us all, for what he has done, and has preserved. Otherwise, much of it might have been forgotten .....

Friday, July 18, 2014

Anthony Burger

A horrific waste of talent .... his passing at such a young age. at the prime of his life, I am not sure, but he either collapsed during or right after .... playing the piano, doing something he loved.

I don't know how you judge the quality of a piano player, I'm sure a piano player would know. Anthony got as much out of a piano as anyone I have heard. And, he had the talent to play any style, by an pianist.

Many people only hear the vocals, I listen for the accompaniment also, and no one did it any better, than Anthony. It was late at night, not sure what station was on the radio, midnight or so, probably more like one or two, late news, mentioned his passing. I sat straight up in bed, and  could not go back to sleep the rest of the night. I was no great fan of his, I probably was a fan of his talent and what he had overcome to get to the point where he was  in the music business. I think Baldwin named a piano after him, he had received all sorts of recognition, awards and acclaim. I shed some tears that morning, at the loss of such a great talent, and so young.

Read his bio and more on his early life to see what he overcame, and how he did it. He was truly, a miracle.


The Indianapolis 500

What does this have to do with, anything?

Jim Nabors retired, he will no longer sing "Back Home Again in Indiana." So, who to get?

Someone that has something to do with Indiana.

Someone who can really sing.


David Phelps .... NO ONE could do it any better. He has many years ahead of him. He has Indiana ties, he is personable and would be a good "representative" for the 500.

Send them a letter, call, or an EMail .... let's get David starting a tradition. Can you think of anyone who could do a better job ................ I thought not.

EMail ... I prefer you look it up yourself ... it is a great way for spammers to get in ..